Our Beliefs

We believe . . . life begins at the moment of conception and God is the creator of life.  Regardless of background or circumstances surrounding conception, each child is a miracle created by God and has a unique purpose and destiny in life.  Genesis 1:27 shows us clearly that God created human life in His image, therefore, all human life deserves to be valued and protected.

We believe . . . that God created the institution of marriage to be between a man and a woman so that He could continue to multiply His creation through the gift of life.

We believe . . . Birth parents are making one of the most difficult and life-changing decisions and should be valued for choosing life for their child.

We believe . . . Adoptive children, birth families, and adoptive families deserve quality professional services provided with compassion, commitment, and integrity.

Our Mission

Changing the lives of children one family at a time through adoption and turning couples into families. 

Our Vision

To help as many children as possible to have a safe, loving, permanent family with a Christ-centered home environment.  We want to give Jerry’s Kids every opportunity to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

Our Goals

  • To raise the funds needed to provide adoption grants.
  • To lessen the financial commitment for couples to adopt.
  • To provide a financial grant to couples pursuing a private or domestic adoption through an attorney or a licensed agency.

Nothing of eternal significance ever happens apart from prayer.

– Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr.

Love is commitment; love is a relationship that never gives up.

– Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr.