We are so grateful for the endorsements of those listed below and their willingness to serve as advocates for the foundation. We can’t thank you enough for the continued efforts each of you make in helping us bring families that much closer together.
Changing the lives of children, one family at a time.
Charles Billingsley
Jerry’s Kids Adoption Foundation is the perfect way for Callie and Kendra to honor Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr. He would be pleased to know that his passion for children to be raised in loving Christian homes is continuing on through the work and ministry of this foundation. I’ve seen first-hand their passion for children through their own adopted boys. Working alongside Callie as my Personal Assistant for over 16 years and our boys growing up together, I can see why the Lord put this ministry on their hearts. I would encourage you to get involved, support, and help change the life of a child in need of a loving family.

Guy Penrod
God plants countless varieties of ministries in the hearts of His people to meet the needs of this world. The seeds of love and the ministry that He has birthed in Callie and Kendra is truly a special call. Adoption is the outward expression of parental grace, love, and even the giving of a new name. This reflects that love that our Heavenly Father has toward us. We believe in what Callie and Kendra are doing to spread this kind of love. They have been our friends for forty years. We trust them and you can too. Blessings to you as you bless others in Jesus Name.
Mark Lowry
It doesn’t surprise me one bit that Callie and Kendra have started this adoption foundation. They have been friends of mine for many years, going way back to our college days. I know their passion and love for children is at the heart of this foundation. It’s good to know there are people continuing to take a stand for the unborn. If you are looking for a ministry to support…this would be a great one to invest in.

Jody McBrayer
I was honored to sit under Dr. Jerry Falwell Sr. for 4 years during my time at Liberty University. I was always inspired and motivated by so many of the things he was passionate about. One of those things was the sanctity of human life and the importance of preserving and fighting for our children. Founders Callie and Kendra Penn are not only continuing to honor his legacy with the creation of Jerry’s Kids, but also giving every child the opportunity to live a safe, healthy, and productive life in loving Christian households. Giving every child a chance, from womb to tomb, to live out life to the full potential God has placed within them. My wife Stephanie and I have always been strong advocates for adoption and it gives us great joy, knowing that the legacy of Thomas Road Baptist Church and Jerry Falwell will be the foundation of such an incredible endeavor. I challenge everyone to pray and support this ministry as they change the lives of children, one family at a time.
Toby Mac
I am always encouraged when I see people pulling together to help those who are on the adoption journey. My wife and I had the privilege of adopting twins over 20 years ago and received much wisdom and help along the way. Callie and Kendra are now taking the many blessings they received through their adoption experience and are giving back to those on the journey.

Michael Tait
Callie Penn and Kendra Cook Penn have been lifelong friends of mine and they along with myself have also been blessed to be one of “Jerry’s Kids”, as many students who had the privilege of attending Liberty University, were fondly known. I’ve always loved Callie and Kendra’s zest for life and their desire to follow the leading of The Lord in every area of their lives and Jerry’s Kids Foundation is just proof positive of their ongoing desire to bring glory to God by helping families who don’t have the financial means to adopt. So I encourage you to get involved in tangible ways as soon as possible, finding ways to support them financially, prayerfully, and to walk with them in this God ordained endeavor!
Lynda Randle
I’ve had the wonderful privilege of knowing Callie and Kendra for over 4 decades and I’m grateful to our Faithful Heavenly Father for allowing our paths to cross while we were all students at Liberty University. They were passionate people then and intentional in their love walk with God and intentional in the way they showed God’s love to everyone they encountered! But not long after their storybook courtship and marriage, they realized they could not have biological children of their own, but they remained faithful and trusted that God would give them children to love and care for even if it was through adoption. Now after many years have passed since they were able to adopt and raise 2 wonderful boys, God has laid on Callie and Kendra’s heart a desire to start this amazing foundation to help couples who are not financially able to adopt children. Because, had it not been for the generosity of one dear man, Callie and Kendra would not have been able to adopt their precious sons. So I thank God for this incredible foundation and I pray that you would consider sharing your financial resources that God has blessed you with in order to give childless couples the opportunity and privilege to become parents to children who need god-fearing homes to dwell in and loving parents to nurture and care for them!

Dr. Alicia Williamson Garcia
Jerry’s Kids Adoption Foundation is the answer to prayers being prayed world-wide. It does not surprise me that our Lord has chosen Callie and Kendra Penn for this most honorable task of establishing a foundation that financially supports adoption. My husband Richard and I have known and watched Callie and Kendra receive two adopted sons. There is no one more gracious for the opportunity to have adopted, nor more loving and patient with the children they have become parents to. Now, in the economy of time, God is allowing the Penn’s to not only share their story, but also help others who are desiring to adopt. The Foundation extends the legacy and generosity of Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr, and is clearly a reflection of the heavenly Father’s heart. The Penn’s story is a God-story. The Garcia’s firmly support this mission and are looking forward to the many God-stories yet to be told.
Meredith Andrews
You can always tell when people are doing God’s Will in their lives, because their actions are in line with God’s Word. You know what they say about actions speaking louder than words. In Psalm 68, it talks about how God sets the lonely in families…that His heart is for the orphan and most vulnerable. That’s exactly what God is doing by paving the way for Callie and Kendra to establish Jerry’s Kids Adoption Foundation. God is taking the most innocent, lonely, and vulnerable of mankind and putting them into the loving arms of Christian couples and making families. It’s God who is changing the lives of children, one family at a time and Callie and Kendra are just the means by which God is using to help continue the vision that Dr. Jerry Falwell had. What Satan meant for harm in their marriage, God is turning into good to bring honor, glory, and praise to His name. From my time at Liberty University and my time spent at Thomas Road Baptist Church, I know Callie and Kendra want nothing more than to be in God’s Will and answer this call on their lives. Please consider investing in the lives of what God calls the “Lonely” through Jerry’s Kids and help changed the lives of children one family at a time through adoption with your support and donation.

Karen Peck
Callie and Kendra Penn are a beautiful example of obedience and patience. They graciously accepted God’s perfect will for their lives by adopting two amazing children. Now years later, God has ‘birthed’ a new ministry that will literally change the lives/future of countless precious children. There is nothing that can be more rewarding than knowing that little children are being well taken care of. Not only will these kids have a good, healthy, and happy Christian home, Jerry’s Kids will bring joy and unconditional love into the lives of many families. These children will truly know the love of Jesus and the importance of Him being the Lord of their lives. Jerry’s Kids will raise up Kingdom Changers. We are praying for God’s continued blessings and favor over this impactful ministry.
Rashad Jennings
Some of my best days were at Liberty University. And some of my best moments were under the leadership of Dr. Jerry Falwell, Sr. His legendary message, “Don’t Quit,” was an inspiring word of encouragement to me to never give up in life and to never quit. That has helped me with my football career and throughout my life as well. It’s good to know that his vision to help innocent children find a loving Christian home is continuing through Jerry’s Kids Adoption Foundation. Please consider helping with a one-time donation or a monthly financial gift to encourage couples to never give up and don’t quit. There is a child out there somewhere that needs a loving home.

Anne Graham Lotz
Callie and Kendra Penn have been my long-time friends and associates in ministry. Having walked with them through the adoption of their oldest son, Graham, I know they have a heart for children who need parents. And for parents who need children. They have expressed their hearts this way: “We want to pay forward because of God’s blessing in our lives of two beautiful adoptive children – and to help other couples financially in this process”. The stated purpose of Jerry’s Kids Adoption Foundation is to “help innocent babies find a loving Christian home, and one day to have the opportunity to know Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.” Callie and Kendra, you have my applause!
John C. Maxwell
Margaret & I are excited about Jerry’s Kids Adoption Foundation. So many children will now have a home because of this ministry.